Fire Family
Peer Support


Family supporting family

We all need friends who understand the unique challenges and joys faced by those who live with or care for a firefighter. Fire Family is all about strengthening our bonds with other fire families through support and family friendly events.



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Open House on Third Thursdays 6:30 pm at Local 416

Who We Are

We are a diverse group of firefighter family members that engage and create relationships with other families of firefighters. Family peer support improves quality of life, increases whole health, and strengthens families.

What We Believe

We recognize that firefighter family members have unique life circumstances different from other first responders. We recognize that family members will be exposed to and experience a wide range of conditions and emotions. We provide a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential environment where families receive love, support and advocacy through life’s celebrations and tragedies through a healthy relationship with a peer.

Our Values


We are one of you. We are governed and run by peers for peers. Our shared experiences give us a common vocabulary and we genuinely care about you.


We are continually participating in training to be healthy care providers. We will have a vetted list of resources for professional help to anyone who is in need.


Feel safe knowing sharing your story with trusted peers that will not share anything about you.


We champion our shared experiences to push for change and growth in our community. We walk with you and provide hope, support, and encouragement.


We believe in the fire service and honor its mission and sacrifice to serve the citizens of this city as we serve each other. We are endorsed by IFD and IAFF Local 416.

We Have the Power to Positively Impact Our Families

The fire department has always considered themselves a family. We can look at the department with nostalgia and think of times when a crew showed up at someone’s house to put on a roof, move from one house to another, or have a cookout for everyone’s families. It is time to admit that this doesn’t happen as often as it might have in the past and our newer firefighters may have never experienced this. 

This distance is felt even more by those of us who are the family members of firefighters. We all have obligations and busy lives that can mean we aren’t visiting the firehouse as often and maybe not at the same time as any other family. This means we partners, parents, spouses, children, etc. aren’t getting to know each other and we aren’t sharing our burdens or celebrating our joys with each other.

This group is meant to step into the gap and change all that. We are all family members of firefighters and that means that we carry burdens that others, even those in other public safety jobs, do not understand. We wish to create a space where a person can meet with a peer and talk about what is going on in life. A place where we can share our concerns about our firefighters without burdening them. 

We want to create relationships with each other. It is only when we know each other that we can truly care for each other. We also want to have fun by hosting family events several times per year. We love the events that are for adults, but we also want events where our kids can play together safely.

Does this sound like something you need or something that is missing in your life too? We would love to have you join our group. If you are in need of peer support right now, please email us and get connected.

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